SynSing Graphical User Interface
SynSing is a free, MATLAB-based software tool for generating synthetic signals for use in studies of animal acoustic or vibratory communication. We published a paper in Bioacoustics explaining, in detail, why researchers may want to use synthetic acoustic signals and how exactly Synsing works. Synthetic signals allow researchers to have complete control over the properties of their signals, aiding experimentation and avoiding problems associated with pseudoreplication. Users choose to generate sound either as modified sine waves or as bursts of white noise. Spectral features of the signal are shaped in Sinusoidal Mode by specifying the inclusion of up to 10 harmonics (or inharmonic components) with independently chosen relative amplitudes and phase shifts, as well as linear frequency modulation. In Broadband Noise mode, sound is generated as white noise and then filtered to have user-defined spectral characteristics. In either sound generation mode, users have fine-scale control over temporal structure of the signal, including pulse and call durations, interpulse and intercall silent intervals, and the shapes of amplitude envelopes. SynSing was designed to be an easy-to-use and versatile tool to generate synthetic signals similar to those produced by many anuran and orthopteran species. For more information, download SynSing, along with its User Guide and some example stimuli, from